We strive to present high quality videos on our site in order to provide students with the most accurate and enjoyable educational content possible. Below are a few common reasons why we would reject a video from your payout and ask you to redo it.
- Poor audio quality: Please make sure you are recording your video in a quiet room with no background noise (including noise from writing with your stylus) or distractions. Ensure you have a working microphone that can clearly pick up your voice and filter out extraneous noise.
- Messy or unclear handwriting: Handwriting must be neat and legible so that students can easily understand the steps in your video. It is very difficult to write neatly with a mouse, which is why we require using a stylus.
- Typed/pre-written solution with underlining: Our goal at Numerade is to provide engaging tutoring videos. Having the answer pre-typed and underlining as you explain makes students less likely to follow the process of solving and more likely to pause the video and write the answer down. We are not an answer-only website, but a re-teaching website, so we cannot allow low-engagement videos onto the platform.
- Explanation: Numerade videos are designed to help students learn a new concept by following along while an experienced educator walks them through how to solve the problem. Please make sure you are providing commentary during your video and solving the problem in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step format on the virtual whiteboard. For this reason, videos are required to be a minimum of 60 seconds long.
- Reading directly from a written solution: We want our videos to be fun and engaging for our students, and we trust you to use your best teaching practices to develop and create your videos. Reading directly from a script or simply reading the solution without explaining the work and process is a violation of our solution video policies.
- Duplicate Solution: Each video solution on Numerade must be a new and unique solution. Please ensure each video you upload is a unique video and not a duplicate of another one of your videos or another educator's videos.
- Incorrect Answer: Videos that do not arrive at the correct answer or have any mistakes during the steps of their solution will not be approved.
- Insufficient Context: Please do not assign yourself questions that are lacking needed context or missing important graphs/charts. These questions are impossible to answer. We recommend reporting these types of questions so the student can be notified that their question needs more information to be answered.
- AI Plagiarism: Educators are expected to solve all problems using their own words through the lens of their expertise and stick to subjects they are familiar with. Educators should never copy or rely on AI suggestions as the blueprint to their answers.
Examples of great quality videos: